Finding the perfect products for your daily skincare routine can be an annoying task, especially if you have sensitive acne prone skin. Annoying can turn to downright daunting if you are also battling with hyperpigmentation and dark spots that refuse to disappear (even after years of treatment). It certainly doesn’t help that the skin care market is saturated with products containing various active ingredients, saturated with trillions of products – all claiming to solve your skincare woes. Purchasing the right skin care products to address your skin care needs can be hard and grow exhausting fast.

With all the skincare options on the market, I struggled with finding products that would address my pimple/hyperpigmentation / dark spot problem. So, I decided to embark on a skin care journey to figure out what products will work best for my skin. After tons of research, I think I found a solid nighttime routine that will have a game-changing effect on my skin. If you are interested in watching my routine, check out the video below!

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