The Alchemist

“Whenever you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It’s your mission on Earth…[Therefore] when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.”
-Melchizedek, King of Salem

A Glimpse into the Alchemist
The Alchemist is a story about a young Andalusian shepherd who sets out on a journey to find his Personal Legend after being troubled by a recurring dream. During these dreams, a child tells the shepherd, Santiago, to look for treasure at the pyramids. Desperate to decode the meaning of the dreams, Santiago visits a gypsy and promises her a portion of his treasure in exchange for an interpretation. Unimpressed by her reading, Santiago leaves her shop and meets Melchizedek, King of Salem, who convinces him to embark on a life-changing journey.

My Thoughts
The Alchemist is one of my favorite books of all time – as in, I read it once a year to keep myself on track and remind myself that I have to pursue my purpose in life. This book is riddled with all kinds of life lessons. Through the different characters and situations, you learn about the consequences of failing to pursue your dreams and aspirations. It warns of the unhappiness that will ensue and haunt you if abandon your Personal Legend (i.e. give up of your dreams). It even addresses how love will wait, persist, and conspire with you to help you see your purpose to completion.

The underlying premise is that we know and are eager to pursue our purpose in life at an early age, but that over time life wears on us – distancing us from our purpose, tempting us to give up on our dreams altogether. The Alchemist challenges us to (1) push past adversity and disappointment; (2) allow love to endure, and (3) place wealth and temporary happiness on hold in order to see our Personal Legends through.

I highly recommend this book to everyone and anyone looking for a little motivation to push forward…By the way, did I mention this book is an easy read?!

Interested in buying The Alchemist? Click here.

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