Shop My Top Hair Products for Hair Growth

With the growth of my YouTube channel, I’ve been getting more questions about what products I use for promoting growth and where to purchase these items. So, I decided to activate my Amazon Influencer Page to create a fast and efficient way to share my up-to-date product list with my readers, followers, and subscribers across all soical media platforms. If you are looking for products, brands, and sellers I highly recommend, check out my product list by clicking here.

By the way, I completely understand we live in a world where credibility is questionable when “influencers” receive monetary incentives for promoting certain products. So, I want to assure you that my Amazon page is not some kind of marketing ploy to get you to waste your money on useless products. All the products listed on my page are products and brands that I actually use and like.  Only products that I have purchased, used and earned my stamp of approval to make it to this page – meaning only the creme de la creme make it to this page.

That being said, check out my page. Hopefully, this makes it easier for you all to find and my product faves. Until next time tootles!

Xoxo, Shelly B

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