Law of Attraction | How to Practice Gratitude

A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles…So many of us spend hours, minutes, seconds obsessing over things that we don’t have or wish we had instead of thanking God (and/or the universe) for our many blessings. We fail to recognize there is a direct correlation between how grateful we are and the miracles (or hardships) that manifest in our lives. Last year, I learned about the power of gratitude, and it changed my life. The first half of 2017 was somewhat of rough for me. My relationship with God was on the rocks, I plateaued at work and no longer felt challenged, my love life was flatlined, my skin wasn’t popping, and I wasn’t happy. Life just wasn’t what I envisioned or expected at that point of my life. It was only after renewing my faith in God and listening to The SecretThe Power, and Hero that I realized I needed to change my approach to this thing called life. Once I adopted an attitude of gratitude, every aspect of my life changed – I went from an all-time low to higher than the sky.

So, I want to share 4 simple ways to practice gratitude to change your life:

Leading with Gratitude: The is the easiest way to practice gratitude is by saying “thank you” before asking for anything from God (or the universe). I ask for help, guidance, deliverance, provision, and clarity several times a day. Over the last six months, I have learned how saying “thank you” prior to making a request can transform your whole situation. Saying “thank you” before making a request does a few different things, it allows you to: (1) acknowledge the existing blessings in your life – giving glory to God (or the universe) for His workings; (2) welcome peace into your space by allowing you to recognize there is a silver lining regardless of your present or impending circumstances; and (3) prime yourself for a response or resolution from God (or the universe).

Gratitude Journaling: Every morning, I write at least 10 things I am thankful for and why I am grateful for them. Gratitude journals are gems – they give you positive vibes first thing in the morning and they come in handy when you are going through hard times. For instance, reviewing entries from the past will help you put things into perspective, remind you that you are infinitely blessed, and enable you to identify the silver lining during those hard times. Gratitude journaling can change your life instantly especially if you couple your “thank yous” for the reasons you are grateful. Try it and let me know how it works out for you!

FYI. I bought my gratitude journal from target a while ago, but any journal will do. You can find some great options by searching “gratitude journal” on Amazon. Click here for a list of journal options.

Gratitude Bracelet: Gratitude bracelets serve as tangible reminders to be grateful throughout the day. When I need to step my gratitude game up, I simply wear my gratitude bracelet and say “thank you” for anything I feel grateful for when I touch, see or think of the bracelet. You could easily do the same. Don’t like bracelets?! That’s okay, you can simply substitute bracelets for a necklace, ring, or whatever you like. Just make sure you have a tangible item that you can keep on your person to “thank you”.

My custom gratitude bracelet is from NaniSavu (@nanisavu). NaniSavu offers a wide selection of bracelets, fast shipping, and great customer service. If you want a custom bracelet, Rebecca (the jeweler) will help bring your vision to life in a timely fashion. Use “SHELLYB20” to get a 20% discount at checkout. [No, I don’t receive a commission for purchases using this code.I just wanted you to have a discount in case you decided to purchase from this company.]

Bonus: If you decide to get a gratitude bracelet, be selective about the stones and crystals you select because each stone has a different meaning and emits a specific vibe or energy. I chose Jade, Aquamarine, and Rose Quartz for my bracelets because they represent a combination of serenity, wisdom, balance, peace, and love. Keeping it real, your girl wanted to close off 2017 with positive vibes and succeeded with the help of a friendly reminder to be grateful.

Gratitude Rock: Finally, gratitude rocks like gratitude bracelets serve as a constant reminder to say “thank you”. You can use a gratitude rock in the same manner as a gratitude bracelet. All you have to do is carry the rock in your pocket or purse and say “thank you” everytime you touch or think of the rock. Alternatively, you can leave the rock on your nightstand, pick it up before going to sleep, reflect on all the goods thing that happened in your day, and say “thank you” for all those things or anything in general.

Hopefully, you find these tips helpful. If you have any gratitude tips, please share them below! Xoxo, Shelly B

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