Flexing with Confidence on Maiden Lane

Social media has a strange way of magnifying people’s insecurities and robbing people of confidence. Think about it: we live in a time where people go broke pretending to live lives they can’t afford, all to flex for the gram. We live in a time where women (young and old) aspire to acquire bodies that don’t come naturally to most women – failing to recognize and embrace the beauty in their bodies. [SIDE NOTE: I’m all for you wanting to get your body right so you can feel comfortable enough to release your inner baddie, but there is something odd about wanting to change your body because it’s what is trending in society.]

Don’t get me wrong there are so many benefits to social media. For example, a saw a post about a little girl who gained confidence after being bullied at school for her dark skin because of the support she received from social media. I thought that was awesome! However,  I have a bone to pick with the way people digest social media. Instead of using it as a source for inspiration, research (for consumer purposes), and making social connections, many of us use it to compare our lives (and blessings) to other people’s lives (and blessings). This type of digestion is unhealthy and debilitating for many reasons, but it’s particularly harmful because it is based on false realities and fragmented images of a person’s life.

I like to think of myself as a fairly confident person, but social media has had a way of making me think twice sometimes. Yes, I am human so I have questioned my purpose and path in the past. BUT, I quickly remember: (1) I was fearfully and wonderfully made; (2) God has a special plan for me; and (3) what’s mine will be mine and is on the way as long as I put in work and have faith.

So, this post is just a reminder to love yourself and be encouraged. You are beautiful, unique, and arriving (if you haven’t arrived already).

[MY LITTLE SECRET] I keep my confidence up by dressing up, indulging in delightful treats, and hanging downtown in the city I love. What do you do maintain your confidence?

dress – Forever 21 | shoes – Steve Madden | sunglasses – Nordstrom

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