Vitamins that Work! Great Vitamins for Hair Growth

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These days it’s easy to get sucked into trends and gimmicks, especially when it comes to hair growth. Many factors make it hard to pick the right vitamins. For instance,

  • Gurus from all walks of the world tout their favorite vitamins for hair growth on social media;
  • Google displays every possible option under the sun after you search one brand of vitamins; and
  • Vitamin companies claim their vitamins can transform buzz cuts into Rapunzel-length hair in 3 months for $34.99

It’s tough out here for a girl trying to gain some length!

The truth is the best vitamins for hair growth come from actual fruits, vegetables, and foods that promote growth. Check out this list of foods that promote healthy hair growth. I get it! It can be challenging to consume your daily servings of fruits and veggies every day. So, I want to share my top 5 hair vitamins for hair growth with you.

I’m convinced that these vitamins are magical. I have used these vitamins at different points in my hair journey, and they helped transform the overall health (and length) of my hair. By the way, these vitamins will hook up your nails and skin too!

One more thing, you will notice that some of these vitamins are ordinary vitamins. Why? Because I believe very few hair vitamins are high quality or formulated to be absorbable. So, I opt to take vitamins that support overall health. I figure if all my organs and systems receive the nutrients they need to function, my hair will grow nonetheless.

My Favorite Vitamins for Hair Growth

1. MegaFood Multi for Women

Where can you buy it? You can purchase these vitamins at WholeFoods, iHerb, Amazon, or the MegaFood website.

How much does it cost? Generally, these vitamins cost between $21.99 to $45.99. Prices vary depending on the store and the number of vitamins your purchase, but they tend to be cheaper at iHerb and Amazon.

What’s in it (i.e. ingredients)?

Why do I like these vitamins? I love these vitamins because all the ingredients are derived from actual fruits, vegetables, and foods – guaranteeing potency and making it easier to absorb. I love it!

When and how do I take these vitamins? One in the morning and one at night with yogurt or a smoothie.

2. MegaFood Skin, Nail, and Hair Multivitamin

Where can you buy it? You can purchase these vitamins at WholeFoods, Amazon, or the MegaFood website.

How much does it cost? $22-$35.

What’s in it (i.e ingredients)?

Why do I like these vitamins? Like the Multi for Women vitamins, the ingredients in this vitamin are derived from actual fruits, vegetable, and foods that are said to promote healthy hair growth. More importantly, these vitamins contain Nettle Leaf, Sulfur, Silica, Turmeric, and Horsetail Leaf. These ingredients are said to support cell health, prevent hair loss, promote new growth, contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, and the list goes on.

When and how do I take these vitamins? One in the morning and one at night with yogurt or a smoothie.

3. The Mane Choice ManetabolismPlus

Where can you buy it? You can purchase these vitamins at The Mane Choice website, Target, Sally’s Beauty, or Amazon.

How much does it cost? $24.99, but they are usually on sale at Sally’s or Target. You also want to check out The Mane Choice website during the holidays because they have phenomenal holiday sales. That’s when I tend to stock up for personal use and giveaways. I wouldn’t recommend purchasing from Amazon because I have heard stories about people receiving fake versions of this when purchased on Amazon. So, you should stick to Target, Sally’s, and The Man Choice website.

What’s in it (i.e ingredients)?

Why do I like these vitamins? They work and they won’t cause you to breakout. I purchased these vitamins the minute they launched because I wanted to see if they really worked. Courtney, the owner of The Mane Choice, has long thick luxurious hair and always talked about how she used the vitamins to grow her hair long and strong. So, I wanted to test them for myself.  I tried it, noticed I didn’t break out as I experienced with other vitamins and observed a lot of growth over the 6 months I took them.

Unfortunately, I was terrible about documenting my results back in the day, but I am starting a Vitamins for Growth series on my YouTube Channel. This series will document my growth results when “testing” different vitamins. Head over to my channel to track my journey!

When and how do I take these vitamins? When I use these vitamins as a supplement, I take one capsule in the morning and one at night. I also take these vitamins with food. It’s not required, I’m just convinced your body absorbs more of the nutrients from the vitamins when you take the vitamins with food.

4. SBR Nutrition Biotin + VitaFusion MultiVites

Where can you buy these vitamins?

SBR Nutrition Biotin: Amazon, Walmart, SBR website

VitaFusion MultiVites: Target, Amazon, Safeway, pretty much any grocery store. Best Best

How much does it cost?

SBR Nutrition Biotin: $17.99

VitaFusion MultiVites: approx. $14.99

What’s in it (i.e ingredients)?

SBR Nutrition Biotin

VitaFusion MultiVites

Why do I like these vitamins? I love this combo for many reasons.

  1. These vitamins are formulated for maximum absorption;
  2. These vitamins are high quality and easy to take;
  3. They won’t make you break out, but I do drink about 8 glasses of water when I take vitamins; and
  4. They work!

By the way, you can sub the VitaFusion gummies with the Costco brand version of these vitamins. They work just as good as the normal VitaFusion gummies.

When and how do I take these vitamins? I take the liquid biotin in the morning with my smoothie, and I take the gummies at night after dinner.

5. Shedavi

Where can you buy it? You can purchase these vitamins on Shedavi’s website.

How much does it cost? $25.00

What’s in it (i.e ingredients)?

Why do I like these vitamins? Aside from the fact that they actually work, these vitamins are great because they contain herbs like Amla, Saw Palmetto Moringa, Bhringraj, and MSM. If you know a little bit about Ayurvedic treatments, then you know these ingredients are BOMB.COM and known for promoting crazy hair growth. This is the real reason I purchased these vitamins. Also, they are vegan. SCORE!

When and how do I take these vitamins? I one capsule in the morning and one at night.

Hopefully, this helps with your journey. Happy hair growing!

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